mysql subquery cache vs oracle subquery cache子查询缓存-凯发app官方网站

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分类: oracle

2024-05-23 16:29:04

接:mysql subquery cache vs oracle subquery cache子查询缓存_mysql部分_part2

下面研究下oracle里的subquery cache.


oracle同样的查询,不管是in还是exists,对于子查询不能unnest(这里使用no_unnest hints),都有subquery cache:

oracle里常见的unnest subquery的是标量子查询,update关联子查询等走filter操作的子查询,对应执行计划子查询部分



  1. create table subq_t1(a int,b int);
  2. insert into subq_t1(a,b)
  3. select 1,1
  4. from dual
  5. connect by level<=100000;

  6. insert into subq_t1(a,b)
  7. select 2,1level
  8. from dual
  9. connect by level<=100000;

  10. insert into subq_t1(a,b)
  11. select 3,1level
  12. from dual
  13. connect by level<=100000;

  14. create table subq_t2(a int,b int);
  15. insert into subq_t2(a,b)
  16. select level,level
  17. from dual
  18. connect by level<=100000;

  19. create index idx_subq_t2 on subq_t2(a);

  20. subq_t1表的a只有3个值:
  21. select count(*),count(distinct a) from subq_t1;

  22.   count(*) count(distincta)
  23. ---------- ----------------
  24.     300000 3

  25. subq_t2的a都是不重复的:
  26. select count(*),count(distinct a) from subq_t2;

  27.   count(*) count(distincta)
  28. ---------- ----------------
  29.     100000 100000


  1. set serveroutput off
  2. set autotrace traceonly --不输出结果,太多
  3. select/*gather_plan_statistics*/ *
  4. from subq_t1 t1
  5. where t1.a in
  6. (select/*no_unnest*/ t2.a from subq_t2 t2);
  7. set autotrace off
  8. select sql_id,sql_text from v$sql where sql_text like '%gather_plan_statistics%subq_t2%';
  9. select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('0hrqfk46ss2ns',null,'allstats last'));


执行计划id=3对于谓词有系统绑定变量: 3 - access("t2"."a"=:b1)


  1. plan hash value: 2995694926

  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. | id | operation | name | starts | e-rows | a-rows | a-time | buffers |
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. | 0 | select statement | | 1 | | 300k|00:00:00.17 | 20535 |
  6. |* 1 | filter | | 1 | | 300k|00:00:00.17 | 20535 |
  7. | 2 | table access full| subq_t1 | 1 | 327k| 300k|00:00:00.11 | 20529 |
  8. |* 3 | index range scan | idx_subq_t2 | 3 | 1098 | 3 |00:00:00.01 | 6 |
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  10. predicate information (identified by operation id):
  11. ---------------------------------------------------

  12.    1 - filter( is not null)
  13.    3 - access("t2"."a"=:b1)


  1. set serveroutput off
  2. set autotrace traceonly --不输出结果,太多
  3. select/*gather_plan_statistics*/ *
  4. from subq_t1 t1
  5. where exists
  6. (select/*no_unnest*/ 1 from subq_t2 t2 where t1.a = t2.a);
  7. set autotrace off
  8. select sql_id,sql_text from v$sql where sql_text like '%gather_plan_statistics%subq_t2%';
  9. select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('f8uyx3hynta6x',null,'allstats last'));

  10. plan_table_output
  11. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. sql_id f8uyx3hynta6x, child number 0
  13. -------------------------------------
  14. select/*gather_plan_statistics*/ * from subq_t1 t1 where exists
  15. (select/*no_unnest*/ 1 from subq_t2 t2 where t1.a = t2.a)

  16. plan hash value: 2995694926

  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. | id | operation | name | starts | e-rows | a-rows | a-time | buffers |
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. | 0 | select statement | | 1 | | 300k|00:00:00.16 | 20535 |
  21. |* 1 | filter | | 1 | | 300k|00:00:00.16 | 20535 |
  22. | 2 | table access full| subq_t1 | 1 | 327k| 300k|00:00:00.09 | 20529 |
  23. |* 3 | index range scan | idx_subq_t2 | 3 | 1098 | 3 |00:00:00.01 | 6 |
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  25. predicate information (identified by operation id):
  26. ---------------------------------------------------

  27.    1 - filter( is not null)
  28.    3 - access("t2"."a"=:b1)
oracle标量子查询,也有subquery cache优化:


  1. set serveroutput off
  2. set autotrace traceonly --不输出结果,太多
  3. select/*gather_plan_statistics*/ t1.a,(select t2.b from subq_t2 t2 where t1.a = t2.a) b
  4. from subq_t1 t1;
  5. set autotrace off
  6. select sql_id,sql_text from v$sql where sql_text like '%gather_plan_statistics%subq_t2%';
  7. select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('cwvtbwcaytnz5',null,'allstats last'));


  1. plan hash value: 438047693

  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. | id | operation | name | starts | e-rows | a-rows | a-time | buffers |
  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. | 0 | select statement | | 1 | | 300k|00:00:00.09 | 20529 |
  6. | 1 | table access by index rowid batched| subq_t2 | 3 | 1098 | 3 |00:00:00.01 | 9 |
  7. |* 2 | index range scan | idx_subq_t2 | 3 | 439 | 3 |00:00:00.01 | 6 |
  8. | 3 | table access full | subq_t1 | 1 | 327k| 300k|00:00:00.09 | 20529 |
  9. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  10. predicate information (identified by operation id):
  11. ---------------------------------------------------

  12.    2 - access("t2"."a"=:b1)
甚至在oracle里semi join/anti join走nested loops的(普通nested loops没有缓存优化),都有缓存优化,可以减少被驱动表回表次数,比如:

1.semi join走nested loops有缓存优化


  1. set serveroutput off
  2. set autotrace traceonly --不输出结果,太多

  3. --去掉no_unnest
  4. select/*gather_plan_statistics leading(t1) use_nl(t2@subq) */ *
  5. from subq_t1 t1
  6. where t1.a in
  7. (select/*qb_name(subq)*/ t2.a from subq_t2 t2);

nested loops semi,子查询只执行3次:


  1. set autotrace off
  2. select sql_id,sql_text from v$sql where sql_text like '%gather_plan_statistics%subq_t2%';
  3. select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('cacaags9gcy2a',null,'allstats last'));
  4. plan hash value: 3871264342

  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. | id | operation | name | starts | e-rows | a-rows | a-time | buffers |
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. | 0 | select statement | | 1 | | 300k|00:00:00.18 | 20535 |
  9. | 1 | nested loops semi | | 1 | 327k| 300k|00:00:00.18 | 20535 |
  10. | 2 | table access full| subq_t1 | 1 | 327k| 300k|00:00:00.13 | 20529 |
  11. |* 3 | index range scan | idx_subq_t2 | 3 | 109k| 3 |00:00:00.01 | 6 |
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  13. predicate information (identified by operation id):
  14. ---------------------------------------------------

  15.    3 - access("t1"."a"="t2"."a")

2.anti join同样有subquery cache


  1. set serveroutput off
  2. set autotrace traceonly --不输出结果,太多

  3. --去掉no_unnest
  4. select/*gather_plan_statistics leading(t1) use_nl(t2@subq) */ *
  5. from subq_t1 t1
  6. where t1.a not in
  7. (select/*qb_name(subq)*/ t2.a from subq_t2 t2 where t2.a is not null) and t1.a is not null;

  8. set autotrace off
  9. select sql_id,sql_text from v$sql where sql_text like '%gather_plan_statistics%subq_t2%';
  10. select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('fs848pak6turs',null,'allstats last'));

因为有缓存,not in的执行效率非常高,没有找到数据:


  1. plan hash value: 3776200174

  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. | id | operation | name | starts | e-rows | a-rows | a-time | buffers |
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. | 0 | select statement | | 1 | | 0 |00:00:00.05 | 558 |
  6. | 1 | nested loops anti | | 1 | 327k| 0 |00:00:00.05 | 558 |
  7. |* 2 | table access full| subq_t1 | 1 | 327k| 300k|00:00:00.06 | 553 |
  8. |* 3 | index range scan | idx_subq_t2 | 3 | 1 | 3 |00:00:00.01 | 5 |
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  10. predicate information (identified by operation id):
  11. ---------------------------------------------------

  12.    2 - filter("t1"."a" is not null)
  13.    3 - access("t1"."a"="t2"."a")
  14.        filter("t2"."a" is not null)

3.普通的nested loops join没有缓存优化,但是有批处理


  1. set serveroutput off
  2. set autotrace traceonly --不输出结果,太多
  3. select/*gather_plan_statistics leading(t1) use_nl(t2)*/ *
  4. from subq_t1 t1,subq_t2 t2
  5. where t1.a = t2.a;
  6. set autotrace off
  7. select sql_id,sql_text from v$sql where sql_text like '%gather_plan_statistics%subq_t2%';
  8. select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('2qa1g6az4hmk8',null,'allstats last'));
两个nested loops就是bulk获取rowid的优化:


  1. plan hash value: 2089944506

  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. | id | operation | name | starts | e-rows | a-rows | a-time | buffers |
  4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. | 0 | select statement | | 1 | | 300k|00:00:00.70 | 80537 |
  6. | 1 | nested loops | | 1 | 327k| 300k|00:00:00.70 | 80537 |
  7. | 2 | nested loops | | 1 | 327k| 300k|00:00:00.47 | 60536 |
  8. | 3 | table access full | subq_t1 | 1 | 327k| 300k|00:00:00.06 | 20529 |
  9. |* 4 | index range scan | idx_subq_t2 | 300k| 1 | 300k|00:00:00.25 | 40007 |
  10. | 5 | table access by index rowid| subq_t2 | 300k| 1 | 300k|00:00:00.14 | 20001 |
  11. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  12. predicate information (identified by operation id):
  13. ---------------------------------------------------

  14.    4 - access("t1"."a"="t2"."a")

在oracle里,subquery cache优化比较全面,不能unnest走filter的有cache优化,可以减少执行次数,semi join/anti join同样有cache优化,普通nested loops join没有cache优化但是有批量获取rowid回表的优化。

1.mysql的子查询subquery cache,仅限于无法unnest subquery,走select_type:subquery,也就是物化方式,如果外部表与子查询关联的key重复值特别多,

至于dependent subquery是mysql子查询兜底招数,虽然改写和执行计划里对外部传递的列有,但是不能减少子查询执行次数,效果比较差。

另外mysql的标量子查询只能走dependent subquery,无subquery cache优化,效率不好。

mariadb是做了subquery cache优化的:见



如果outer table关联key的基数(distinct数目)很小,则可以大幅度减少子查询执行次数,具体也要看数据物理分布连续性是否强,
filter operation中子查询的执行次数问题分析(。

另外oracle对能够unnest的semi/anti join,走nested loops的也有缓存优化,普通join走nested loops没有缓存优化,但是有批处理优化。


3.mysql子查询优化还是不够强大,所以在mysql里让子查询能够subquery unnest较好,这样可以转为join,semi join,anti join优化,避免unnest subquery只有2种方法,


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